Weight Loss

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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

I saw the 130's

Last week the scale read a nice magical number on Wednesday....139.8. WOW, I was so happy to get into the next decade. I was happy as a clam at work, determined to keep up my pace and pushing myself hard in both my 30 Day Shred workouts in the morning and my Elliptical workouts on my lunch break. The next morning the scale was even nicer, it read ...138.8. Down a whole pound in one day??? I will take it. I was even more on cloud nine thinking that I had broke safely into the 130's and the 140's were gone for good. Well.....that was not the case. I went back up for a few days 139.6 for several days and then Monday the scale said 140.4. WTF? How did I go back up into the 140's again after such a good loss a few days before. Well silly Amy, your weight fluctuates and that is why I should not look at the scale every day and let it affect my mood.

Today the scale said 140.0. That one really pissed me off. I could not be 138.8 which would be sooooo much better than 140.0? No the scale Gods were not nice. So what did I do about it you ask? Well I went into work with a plan to stay positive and work my little hiney off, literally. What actually happened? I went out to lunch with my team for a team birthday to a CHINESE BUFFET! What I learned is that Amy can not be trusted in a Chinese Buffet. I can not control myself. And well I did eat far less than fat Amy used to eat, I am pretty sure I consumed over 1000 calories in that meal. I was determined to do better for the rest of the day. I got to the gym and did 38 minutes on the Elliptical (which is my personal best). I could have gone longer but it was time to leave work and head to my teaching job so I had to stop. :(

Then at dinner I had a chicken salad sandwich and some fruit but then again another temptation...a container of cookies in the break room. I wrestled with myself and finally gave in to eating half a cookie.

Let's just say, I am not proud of myself today and I really don't want to see what the scale has to say tomorrow morning. I just need to get back on track and make better choices. The vacation is 5.5 weeks away and at this pace I will not reach my goal of 20 pounds down for the vacation. I am hovering between 11-12 pounds down which means I need to lose almost 2 pounds a week for the next 5 weeks to reach my goal.

Not everything is band in my world though. I did get to buy size 6 jeans last week and 2 size 6 dress pants this weekend that fit. One pair is a little tight and I think that losing another 5 pounds will make them look better but the jeans look fabulous and that makes me feel good.

I am finishing my full 30 days of 30 Day Shred on Sunday and I will be looking forward to taking some new body pictures of all my progress so stay tuned.

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